Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week #10 Educational Blog

I was looking for some high school blogs on edublog, the blog for students and teachers.  I was looking for some high school blogs, and I found this one, The Geeks From Down the Street  What I found interesting about this blog is it is for Mr. Borges, and his classroom.  The blog is visually appealing.  It has a light blue color, and one single background image.  Everything is neatly organized.  He has the posts (either from him or students) on the left on the page, then three additional columns:

  • Pages-- This includes his About Mr. Borges and this page, photos of classroom, podcasting, social responsibility, Podcasts, Assignments, Discussion, Online Literature, Online Drama, Online English, with various subcategories, Online Mathematics, Online Media Studies, and lastly, he has a small list of "What a Teach Finds Interesting Online" which includes "Super Mario Awesomeness" and "Star Wars T-Shirt Logo Spacebook."  He definitely is very organized. Has everything his students might need to succeed in his class, as well as things they might find entertaining (at the bottom though)
  • Who's Reading? and has a map of every location in the world that has read or viewed this blog. And a blog roll that has a list of blogs and links that connect with his blog, other class blogs, teachers from around the world, different schools, etc.
    -He also has links for Parents and Educators
    -And an archive to find older blog entries
  • Lastly, he has a contact page, which includes ways to register or sign in, and comment on his blog, his Twitter account, and various links to charities, and why it is a social responsibility to help others

If I was a student, I would be greatly interested in his blog.  I like how organized his blog is, and how he included various resources for his students.  He definitely appeals to students by using funny things that are popular, such as zombies, Star Wars, and Super Mario.  I really appreciate his column dedicated to charities. His title is Social Responsibility (psst... these aren't ads, they're a way of life!) and provides numerous images and links to different charities.  It encourages high schoolers to become involved with their world, socially aware, and responsible citizens.

I want my class blogs to be visually stimulating, but not cluttered.  And to be organized would be a great skill. To learn how to add pages, and links without making the page too long or extremely cluttered.  His page is very organized. If I need something it is clearly marked, and I can click on the link that leads to another page.

1 comment:

  1. That was definitely a cool blog. Organization is most certainly a good thing to have for a website.
