Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of Semester Reflection

This class has taught me many valuable resources.  Not only can I use a blog and SmartBoard effectively, but I have several tools that I can depend upon when teaching.  I found out not all Education majors at Northwest U. have to take this class, but I think that is tragic.  There are some required classes that do not need to be required, but this is one that every future teacher should take.  The computer and technology skills are invaluable, especially since the world is becoming exponentially, not just increasingly, but exponentially more technologically advanced every day. Children are being raised on technology, using computers and technological software will be as easy and breathing in and out for children.  It is important that teachers have an edge in this industry.

Also, it helps the teacher.  I can create an interactive presentation in minutes, and not have to worry about spending hours on creating a bulletin board that students will get bored with the next day.  Not only is the SmartBoard useful, but one time when preparing for a lesson I had writer's block, or teacher's block, I just could not think of ideas.  I went on my teacher tool box and started browsing websites, seeing examples from other classes, from other teachers.  Once I had seen all these ideas my mind started making all these connections and adaptations I had thought of a lesson plan. I can't imagine having to teach everyday, and have six or seven lesson plans for all my classes and having to brainstorm and create every single idea and worksheet and so on from nothing. There are so many resource based web sites specifically for teachers, we should use them.

Technology is not all about making things look "cool" to students, or new, bigger, flashier, ways to entertain them.  It is also about helping the teacher, either with being more organized--online gradebook-- or giving ideas/lesson plans, or making parent teacher contact more accessible--either through email or blogs.

Technology is a resource and should not be feared by those who are not technology literate.

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