Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reflection # 1

Today's lesson using the SMART Board reminded me of my senior year in High School taking Mrs. Droke's Physics class.  Everyday she used the SMART Board.  For review we would play jeopardy right before a test and break into teams.  We would break up into small groups of teams, and compete against each team.  She kept track of points, and each question would be a physics question, usually involving math using a type of formula.  We all got so excited to win points to win the game, but we learned the formulas so much easier than just studying them.  Without the SMART Board we would not be able to play jeopardy the same way if it was on some other form of media, it would just be more complicated.  We used the SMART Board in every class session in Physics.  When we would come in and had problems with homework she would work them out on the SMART Board, then email the notes to us, or she would print them out and give it to us to study.  When I was in Foundations of Education and had to observe different classes I ended up going back to her class, and she used the SMART Board in a math class.  The one thing I was amazed at was she had a program on the board that was a graphing calculator on the computer.  She could use the calculator like she would use a regular actual calculator, but this was massive and touch screen.  The class was an AP Calculus class, so if students had problems using the calculator, she would put the SMART Board calculator on the screen and was able to walk the students step by step in a large way that the whole class could follow. 

More and more I realize the younger generations are becoming more and more technologically advanced.  Their attention is media focused, what can grab their attention, captivate it and hold it, long enough to learn a lesson.  It is critical to have these resources in the classroom.  I am going to be an English teacher, when analyzing a poem my students can write on the text on the SMART Board and circle and hilight and analyze the entire poem and I can email it to all my students or print it out for their use. 


  1. Great reflection Ashley, I love your ideas and thoughts. Remember that as a teacher, it is so much easier to use what others have done, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. Its great that you remember what other teachers used in their classes and think of ways to apply it to your own classroom.

  2. I remember always being confused with how the graphing calculator worked in my math classes in high school. Having it up on the SMART board is an amazing tool. I imagine this would be a lot faster and more efficient than walking around one-by-one showing students how to operate the calculator.

  3. I think you will be a great English teacher :) You are quite intelligent and you definitely know what you are talking about when it comes to "poetry." I enjoyed watching your presentation Ashley :) Students will love poetry because they will see how much you care about them and about what you are teaching :)--------Yajaira Garza
